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Services & Pricing.


Supercharge your chance of success.

Applying for a grant directly can take over 100 hours of your time even with AI… and still only has a 5-15% chance of success. Why risk your chances? We can reduce this to under 15 hours and increase your chances of success to over 75%.

Prior to taking on a client we complete an extensive pre-screening process to ensure the projects we work on have the highest chance of grant success.

We price-match all of our competitors whilst providing the highest levels of service and success rates in the industry, bringing together 30 years’ combined expertise across 500+ successful applications in a tailored, success-focussed way. 


Tatton Consulting - The UK's Innovation Grants Consultancy pexels-kindel-media-7105867-scaled-e1669984030696 Services & Pricing

1. Expert Review & Optimisation.

A review and recommendation service for existing applications. Providing key insights into what Innovate UK assessors are really looking for to increase your chances of success.

  • Extensive scoping workshop on positioning and key areas of focus
  • Winning Templates, Structures, Examples, and Key Phraseology
  • 3 x Reviews with track changes, edits for clarity, recommendations for improvements, and highlighting missing information
  • Support and guidance on preparing your Project Costs & Submission
  • Dramatically increase your chances of success for a low-cost.
Tatton Consulting - The UK's Innovation Grants Consultancy jason-goodman-LR5CYw3AQNo-unsplash-1 Services & Pricing

2. Full Application Support.

Our most popular service, offering end-to-end application support. Including scoping, writing and submission preparation to save you time and supercharge chances of success by x25.

  • Expert advice and hands-on support on the scoping, preparation and submission of an application.
  • Help build consortia and pull together Project Costs.
  • Save you over 100+ hours of drafting time.
  • Expert reviews, polishing, and project scoping.
  • Resubmission support at no additional cost.
  • Increase your chances of success from ~5% to ~75%.
Tatton Consulting - The UK's Innovation Grants Consultancy success-3-resize Services & Pricing

3. Fully Serviced Grants Department.

Our ongoing, comprehensive grants support service across multiple projects, from initial scoping to preparation, to sign-off, plus grant management and compliance.

  • 12-months access to our industry-leading application toolkit,  templates and bid writing services
  • Identify opportunities throughout the year, supporting on multiple grant applications to support your ongoing R&D
  • Lead the preparation of funding applications throughout the year, ensuring the best chance of success
  • End-to-end support across the identification, scoping, application and grant management process.
Tatton Consulting - The UK's Innovation Grants Consultancy about-us-resize Services & Pricing

Enquire now.

We love hearing about new technologies and we’re always happy to help.

Head Office: The Innovation Centre, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, WA4 4FS

Manchester Office: GM Digital Security Hub (DiSH), Heron House, 1 Lincoln Square, Manchester M2 5LN


Company Number: 09073093
VAT Number: GB 213 0344 66

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